October 04, 2018| LocalMed NewsHow To...
New Feature: The Blacklist
It’s a question we’ve been getting every week for as long as we can remember: *“What if a problem patient tries to book an appointment online and takes up valuable time on my schedule?”* Now, the answer is simple. As long as you’ve added them to your blacklist, they can’t.
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November 28, 2017| How To...
Implementing LocalMed Real-Time Scheduling on Your Facebook Page
When you join LocalMed, the possibilities for implementing real-time online scheduling across all of your practice marketing efforts are truly endless. You’ll be able to close the loop on your dental marketing funnel and grow your practice, effortlessly.
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August 17, 2017| LocalMed NewsHow To...
LocalMed & Google: the Perfect Match
LocalMed is excited to announce that our dental providers now have another opportunity to capture potential patients and grow their practice: Google’s search results!
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August 08, 2017| How To...
12 ways to get the most out of LocalMed's online dental scheduling
You’ve signed up for LocalMed, our team customized the platform specifically for your practice according to your scheduling rules, and have received the code for the website widget. Now you’re wondering… what now?
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